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How to make Detox Water

Detoxing has gained worldwide attention especially to people who are in the pursuit of the perfect weight loss regimen. Detoxification is usually a pre-diet cleanse that aims to remove toxins accumulated by our body over time thus helping your body’s organ to function better.


Juicing, GM Diet, and Beyonce’s Master Cleanse Diet (lemon water+maple syrup+cayenne pepper+water) are only some of the popular detox dieting methods today. However, these types of detox diets require you to follow a very strict regimen and may be too extreme for you since you are not allowed to consume other food not included in your detox plan.


The good news is if you still want to flush out toxins lurking in your system, promote weight loss, and healthy living then we have fruit detox water for you! Along with eating healthy, you can take these amazing detoxifying water juices to either jumpstart your day (or even several times a day). And the plus side is, these drinks are not only healthy and refreshing but it also tastes good!



Here are three detox water recipes for you


Lemon- Mint-Cucumber Combo


2L of water

1 sliced lemon

1 medium sized sliced cucumber

10-12 mint leaves

ginger *optional

Just combin all of the ingredients, put it in a fridge and let it steep overnight. You can drink this several types a day.

Cucumber – anti-inflammatory properties, full of vitamins and fiber

Lemons-cleans your bowels, stimulate and regulate the digestive track

Mint- promotes good digestion and adds an extra kick of refreshing quality

Ginger- this also aids in digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties


Refreshing Summer Duo


2L water

½ cubed watermelon

2-3 mint leaves

Combine watermelon and mint leaves then refrigerate and let it also steep overnight.

Watermelon- contains citruline which is an amino acid known to help improve liver and kidney function by getting rid of ammonia

Mint- promotes good digestion and adds an extra kick of refreshing flavor



Strawberry Kiwi Delight


2L water

2 strawberries

2 kiwis

Just follow the same procedure, combine the chopped strawberries and kiwi in the water , refrigerate and let it steep.

Kiwi- packed with vitamins A and E which helps fight against free radicals and helps flush out toxins in your colon.

Strawberries- good for the skin since it has anti-ageing properties and helps fight carcinogen.



Note that you can also add more ingredients depending on your taste. Some other detox users also reuses the fruits (1 time only) depending if it’s still rich in flavor. And always remember, along with your detox plan, you should couple it with the right food and exercise. Be fit! Be healthy!

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